As a professional outdoor gear supplier for over 10 years, we develop, manufacture and export camping tents, camping furniture, camp bedding, wagons, camp kitchen, blankets and camping lights, etc.
With over 10 years of experience, Tanstrider has been a top camping gear brand in China, dedicated to providing comprehensive camping gear solutions for families worldwide. Our 2 domestic production bases and 8 logistics warehouses in China, USA, UK and Germany allow us to offer a complete range of camping gear. At Tanstrider, we have expert design and QC teams, and a customer service team committed to sales and after-sales support. We are proud to have supplied over 36 million outdoor products to around 10 million families from more than 60 countries.
Production Base Area
Country Exported
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Aunual Output
We provide 24/7 customer support to ensure timely and effective solutions for any issues or concerns.
We offer a satisfactory warranty to stand behind the quality of our products and provide peace of mind to our customers.
Our private brand customization options help business customers build a strong and recognizable brand identity.
We partner with trusted shipping carriers to ensure fast and reliable delivery of both sample orders and bulk orders.
We are proud to have the TANSTRIDER brand, which has rapidly expanded its influence along with the popularity of camping. Our camping gear are now available in 68 overseas markets, with over 10 million global families having used or currently using our outdoor gear. If you are interested in our products and are considering adding camping products to your sales category, or expanding your current camping gear business, please do not hesitate to contact us for support.
Tanxianzhe Outdoors aims to make global families pack less and enjoy more in their camping life. Our team supply a one-stop camping gear purchasing service for more than 10 years, camping tents, camping tables and chairs, air mattresses, sleeping bags and pads, wagons and picnic blankets are our featured products.
No. 49 Changxin Road, Yangming Town, Yuyao, Ningbo, China 315499
(086) 574 6282 8908
(086) 134 5472 9574
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